I don't want to go on and on about it but I learned a lot from this experience. I learned that I don't want to have 4 kids under the age of 4 for instance :) I learned that I married someone who is truly amazing with kids and especially loves 3 years olds because you can reason with them a bit more and they sit still long enough to cuddle and watch a show on TV. I got some new easy dinner ideas and learned about what kind of double stroller I want when we have more kids haha. I realized that my mother is incredible and I can't believe she was able keep us 6 kids alive all this time much less teach and nurture us. HUGE Thank you to the Smiths for giving us this experience!
Can't believe she's 10 months old already! Ellie is currently on a strawberry kick and likes to eat several with each meal. We are breaking free from the baby food now that Ellie has some teeth and loves to bite and chew. She goes around saying "ha ha" all day and instantly smiles when the theme music for Friends comes on. She also really loves to turn pages now; it's hard to read the words of the books fast enough. It's also nice that she has learned how to go from laying down to sitting up on her own. It is so cute to go into her room after a nap and see her just sitting there playing with and talking to her blanket. *And she started clapping today!!! Proud Mama right here :)
Valentine's Day
After our weekend with 7 kids we decided to treat ourselves to a couple hours with none. :) Yesterday our friends, the Sanders, watched Ellie while Brett and I went out to lunch. We decided to try a new restaurant called Megg's Cafe and it was so yummy not to mention the weather was PERFECT! You can't tell in the picture, but we're wearing shorts :)