Over the last few months Ellie has begun to acquire a lot of books so I have been trying to work out the best way to store them all. After a lot of online research (Pinterest), I worked out the look and functionality I wanted from the bookshelf; and then my awesome dad built it for us. Parents are the best! He built it, I painted it, and here it is. Brett and I are both SO excited with how it turned out.

Brett had his birthday on Thursday February 19th and turned 25. For his birthday dinner he decided on Texas Roadhouse and then that weekend we were visiting family in Houston so we tried out Chuy's for the first time. The food tasted great and it was cheaper than we expected it to be; now if only there was one here in Temple.
Last week the Temple Public Library had a book sale which we definitely took advantage of. I bought a few things and the first that I just finished was the 5 love languages. I really liked it and would recommend it; it's much more informative than the 5 minute quizzes you can take online. I learned that I'm pretty sure my primary love language is acts of service :)
Lately a lot of my time has been put into planning a baby shower for a good friend. I guess it's the Rasmussen woman in me, but I love to plan!! Seriously, I can't even say how much fun I have had getting the games, food, decorations, etc. all ready for this weekend. I've never thrown a shower for anyone before but I think it's going to be fun.
...and clapping