Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

     We are so happy that it's finally getting cooler (or at least not in the high 90s anymore). Our family decided to celebrate by making our annual visit to the pumpkin patch. Ellie liked it a lot more this year.

18 Months

It's October and our not so little Elizabeth is 18 months old. I thought it be fun to have a little show and tell of some of her latest achievements - hope you enjoy!

Ellie is a happy kid

She likes going to her nursery class at church so she came jump during the sunbeams song, sit in a chair like the big kids, and of course see her friends (especially Noelle)

She still loves to swing

She has learned her body parts

and she knows her animal sounds (though apparently all dogs sound like rottweilers)

Ellie likes being silly and playing with her Dada

and lastly, Ellie like to take Mommy's phone without mom knowing (she's not the greatest videographer)

Elizabeth also had her check up where they said she's growing just as she should be and we are grateful!

Height - 2 feet 9 inches (84th percentile)
Weight - 27 pounds 9 ounces (94th percentile)