Monday, January 25, 2016

My New Best Friend

 This is my sewing machine and he is my new best friend :)

So far I've made some throw pillows, a couple baby quilts, a scarf, a new camera strap, & fixed some of Ellie's toys. I'm excited to see what else we can do together!

Building Traditions

 We had an awesome weekend in Dallas with our friends the Larsons & the Falcos :) This tradition started last year because our husbands were college roommates when we all met, but now we live in different cities. Once a year we all meet to let the kids play, stay up all night & just plain be crazy.

                                                      We took the kids to the Dallas Zoo

Brett and I went to the Dallas Stars hockey game against the Avalanche. 

And of course we screamed our way through a lot of Wacky Six, Taboo, & Scattegories :)
It was so nice to stay in a house where there was plenty of space for the kiddos to chase each other and nap while we still catch up with each other. Ellie was so sad to say goodbye, she had to give H and hug and kiss ;)