Sunday, March 19, 2017

Adelaide's Blessing

I'm a little late in recording this, but Adelaide Kristine Shaw was blessed by her father on March 12, 2017. We were grateful to have Brett's parents in town for it, and that our friend Jeff could be a part of it as well. Our pictures were a little rushed and chilly but we tried to document it ;)

Adelaide is one cherished little girl and we know that she will do great things and be a light in this world.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Adelaide Newborn Photos & Well Checkup

Adelaide had her 2 week checkup yesterday at 10 days instead of 14 and she had already made it back up to her birth weight. There is a lot of sickness going around right now so we are still keeping her pretty isolated from the world, but she is growing all the time and getting lots of love from Mom, Dad, Big Sister Ellie, and Grandma & Grandpa Shaw.

After her doctor's appointment, Claire Falco Creative took these beautiful newborn photos for us so we can remember forever.