Saturday, September 20, 2014

let's face it, this is a blog about our daughter...

First Ponytail Ever-- It stands straight up 
(new couches we bought in the background)

Ellie really likes music; as soon as I put it on she is happier. We play music while we clean, she likes when I sing to her, she will just lay on the ground and watch, mesmerized while Brett plays the guitar, and this video shows her talkin' and moving her feet to the beat. She's almost too big for the swing nowadays.

some Fridays we like to Match :)

Pineapple is my favorite fruit of all time. Brett and I were snacking on some during the BYU game this weekend and this was Ellie's reaction. Brett was convinced that it would be way too sour and that she wouldn't like it but I convinced him to give her a taste. She sucked on a piece for awhile and loved it but then she actually bit off a bit and that's a choking hazard so... no more pineapple for a little while. 

Cuddles. For a long time Brett and I have felt like Ellie just wasn't a very cuddly baby because she just didn't ever seem to want to snuggle up to you, or lay on your shoulder etc. but lately she's been changing. Especially when she's tired she will just lay right on you, put her face on your shoulder, and fall asleep. Happy Parents :)

P.S. One small note not Ellie related; I really like the recipes of the Six Sisters. Their honey lime chicken enchiladas and balsamic glazed pork loin have become some of our regular meals. Tonight I tried their Monterey chicken and it was super tasty. I'd recommend them to anybody looking for easy yummy recipes that don't have a ton of crazy ingredients.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Getting Involved

     This is a video taken of Ellie back when she was around 1 month old. Time flies. One night this week I made Brett watch this over and over again with me because I just think it's just so cute. It's a strange thing to think that she'll never be that little again and that she's just going to keep growing and changing forever.

    Alright enough of the past and on to the future. Brett and I are continuing to get settled and involved here in Temple and here are a few things we've been up to-

Temple Symphony Chorale

     I've been a bit of a choir guru since high school but when I graduated from BYU I found it hard to get involved outside of the school environment. I still participated in ward choirs but I have missed being really pushed and driven to be a better singer. I did some research on the local choral opportunities here in Temple and finally came across the Temple Symphony Chorale. It was the only auditioned choir within a 15 minute radius that doesn't meet on Monday nights (Family Night), doesn't have a fee associated with it, and has a traditional choral repertoire. I found out about it just in time, auditioned a few days before the first rehearsal of the semester, and made it in!!
     Now, every Tuesday night from 6:30-8:30 PM Brett watches Ellie while I get a mom's night out doing something I really LOVE. I love the work, I love being pushed, I love the corny older members of the choir who laugh at everything, and I love being a part of something like this again. I look forward to it every week and am so grateful to Brett for sacrificing precious study time for me to do it.

Primary & Nursery

    It took about a month, but Brett and I were recently extended callings in our new ward. I am now teaching the CTR 6 class in our ward and Brett will be helping in the nursery. I am excited to learn these new primary songs they have now like Scripture Power but I'm a little terrified of teaching these kids on my own. I've got 5 boys and 1 girl and they are definitely keeping my hands full. Also, our primary program is it 2 weeks and I barely know the names of my kids, AHH! We aren't totally sure what to do with Ellie yet - do I try to teach while taking care of her.... or does our 5 month old go with Brett to nursery where the colds, flu, and runny noses spread freely... Oh well, we'll figure something out I guess :)

Insert Elizabeth Photo Montage Here...

Selfie! (just kidding - her arm was just moving really fast)

    Elizabeth has been able to roll over from tummy to back and from back to tummy for a while now, but in this last week she has become obsessed. She just rolls and rolls and rolls. Ellie also REALLY likes to grab her feet; she can't get them to her mouth yet though. She likes carrots more than peas or prunes and she is down to 2 naps a day instead of 3. We have also reached the blessed day where she doesn't need to be rocked to sleep anymore. Just set her down in the crib and she knows what to do. Still trying with all my might to get her to say "mama", but no success so far. We'll see what happens in the next few weeks though ;)