First Ponytail Ever-- It stands straight up
(new couches we bought in the background)
Ellie really likes music; as soon as I put it on she is happier. We play music while we clean, she likes when I sing to her, she will just lay on the ground and watch, mesmerized while Brett plays the guitar, and this video shows her talkin' and moving her feet to the beat. She's almost too big for the swing nowadays.
some Fridays we like to Match :)
Pineapple is my favorite fruit of all time. Brett and I were snacking on some during the BYU game this weekend and this was Ellie's reaction. Brett was convinced that it would be way too sour and that she wouldn't like it but I convinced him to give her a taste. She sucked on a piece for awhile and loved it but then she actually bit off a bit and that's a choking hazard so... no more pineapple for a little while.
Cuddles. For a long time Brett and I have felt like Ellie just wasn't a very cuddly baby because she just didn't ever seem to want to snuggle up to you, or lay on your shoulder etc. but lately she's been changing. Especially when she's tired she will just lay right on you, put her face on your shoulder, and fall asleep. Happy Parents :)
P.S. One small note not Ellie related; I really like the recipes of the Six Sisters. Their honey lime chicken enchiladas and balsamic glazed pork loin have become some of our regular meals. Tonight I tried their Monterey chicken and it was super tasty. I'd recommend them to anybody looking for easy yummy recipes that don't have a ton of crazy ingredients.
I'm glad it's a blog about that cute girl! I have been thinking about you three so much, and we miss you. Thanks for the recipe ideas, I'm in a slump and need some new easy meals. I have the Six Sister's cookbooks so I'll be looking them up.