Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas in Canada

This year we flew up to Canada for Christmas and we've had a great time :) We even got a white Christmas. Ellie got her first Christmas Eve pjs as well as new books, clothes, and toys which are definitely being enjoyed.

Although on Christmas morning, I think she actually enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper more than the toys.

Unfortunately, I got pretty sick Christmas Eve night and was waking up every 45 minutes in the night for sore throat and cough attacks. I felt like a total zombie on Christmas Day but by Boxing Day my fever was gone (as well as my voice) and I was on the mend. My Christmas victory is that Brett's Christmas present was a total surprise he is really excited about them! It is so hard for me to get that combo.

Playing with cousins

These guys are only 2 weeks apart

It has been snowing a ton here this week so we drove up to Waterton to play around a bit.


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