Saturday, January 31, 2015

Martin Luther King Day

We had a great MLK Day weekend in Dallas with some of our BYU friends. So excited to finally meet little Henry (what a cutie). Ellie enjoyed shopping at the galleria while we were there.

Our other exciting news is that we have a second car now (FREEDOM!!!) The possibilities for Ellie and I are endless and we are pretty over the moon about it.

It's hard to believe how fast Ellie is growing up. She is full of words and sounds, has four bottom teeth coming in now, and is into everything (trashcans, tissue boxes, toilet paper rolls, and under beds & couches) We can hardly get her to sit in the bath long enough to get clean because she starts climbing out. She also had her first perogy which she loved :) Ellie is also starting to wave a little bit more which I'm really excited about.

First Bubble Bath 

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