Sunday, June 5, 2016

Additional thoughts on Trinidad & Tobago

The Food - The food wasn't all that great. It didn't get us sick and it wasn't gross it just wasn't that good haha. We tried a few things including; kofta, crab & dumplings, shark & bake, & doubles. I liked the doubles and roti bread more than I expected to but the crab & dumplings were a huge let down.

The People - The people all seem so friendly and happy to be outside all the time. We got really good at saying no to vendors on the street and were even serenaded on the beach with 'the itsy bitsy spider' (much to Ellie's delight). Also, we kind of felt like the only white people on the island most of the time; it's cool to be the minority sometimes.

The Money - It really weird spending $60 on one lunch from a shack on the side of the road. You constantly have to remind yourself that $100 TT is only $20 US. I'm glad that when we go to Canada the exchange rate is a lot closer.

Giant Caterpillars - these things are seriously huge. We found them in the park across the street from my parents' apartment; apparently they just become brown moths. My mom's picture is a little more convincing than mine; I'm still a little scared of them.

Overlooking Trinidad

Outside the apartment

Just Being Cute

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