We are so excited to announce that we're growing our family again. It took what felt like eternity (but in reality was only 11 months) to get this baby on board so we are pretty ecstatic about it! We've been feeling a little more guarded about this pregnancy, just not wanting to get our hopes up too soon because it did take a little while but now we're all in.
I'm remembering now why I don't truly love being pregnant like some people I know. There is this vicious cycle where you feel hungry which makes you nauseous, and because you're nauseous all food sound disgusting, so instead of eating something you just let yourself get more hungry... and therefore more nauseous. It's bad my friends. Luckily no matter now nauseous I feel, steak always sounds good. So every couple of weeks when I can't take being hungry or nauseous any longer I go to the nearest grocery store and let myself by anything that looks appetizing whatsoever. Usually that looks something like steaks, donuts, honeycrisp apples, ice cream, saltine crackers, candy, pizza rolls, bacon, muffins etc.
I was a little disappointed when I went to the doctor and after they measured baby on the ultrasound and moved my due date from February 26th to March 7th - cheers to being pregnant for an extra week and 2 days (not that I'm counting).
It will all be worth it in the end and it's not going to be this way forever so that makes life easier :) We're excited to learn the gender in the beginning of Oct. and start thinking names and feelings kicks.
P.S. We're potty training Ellie this week so heaven help us!
Congrats, Julie!!