Saturday, August 5, 2017

Oh Canada: It's been too long

We took a 2 week vacation to Canada & Montana to visit Brett's side of the family. We started out in Canada where Ellie FINALLY got to visit Grandma & Grandpa on the farm. (we'd been counting down the days)

Grandpa spoiled her a bit by letting her ride a horse, meet his cows, feed the fish, pet more than 20 kitties, chase chickens, and so much more. Ellie was truly in heaven because she is absolutely obsessed with animals right now.

We also took lots of rides on the golf cart and quad, went up to the ridge to admire the view, and had a day in the city (Lethbridge) to get our fix of pierogi pizza and shopping. Brett also took me on a date to the Cardston summer theater where we saw 'Into the Woods'. It was by far the best community theater I've ever seen; I loved it!!

We also squeezed in a trip to Waterton where we hiked Blakiston Falls and enjoyed some Weiners of Waterton :) 

Not pictured are the hords of Canadian chocolate bars we ate and brought home, but here is Ellie with her first Kinder surprise. (she didn't care about the chocolate) Also, poutine, I guess we really enjoy eating out hah


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