Saturday, May 19, 2018

Easter & Stuff

Our family likes to be silly :P

Brett's had lots of time off this spring so we've been having lots of fun together before residency.

my little gamers

Ellie was such an all-star at soccer this season. She was aggressive and loved to score goals. She kept track of how many she made each game and then set a goal to make more shots the next game. She is good at running the whole time even when it's hot, and i'm enjoying this outlet for all her energy. We will work at sharing with our teammates more next time hah!

Adelaide is an avid book lover right now; I love seeing her and Brett enjoying that together in the mornings after breakfast each day. 

We attended several Easter hunts this year. Ellie is a VERY competitive little human being. Adelaide had fun too I think. 

Our landlord has a farm not far out of town and we HAD to visit at least once before we move. She was so sweet to show us all the animals and let the girls feed/ride them :) :) Ellie decided to wear her zebra shirt because one of the animals is a zebra named Lucy!

Ellie is obsessed with the game memory continues to beat me, Brett, and Grandma even when we are sincerely trying.

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