Sunday, January 5, 2014

Home for the Holidays

 While we were up north for Thanksgiving break, Brett's parents gave us our Christmas present a little early, A NEW CAMERA! This of course is why there are so many more pictures on this post than the previous ones.

We arrived in Houston on Christmas Eve since I had to work up until then and observed the Rasmussen tradition of putting up the "Christmas Pole". We don't know for sure, but we think this tradition started on my Mom's side because my Grandpa didn't want to put nail holes in the fireplace. After we put up the pole and our stockings, we practiced for the nerf wars to come the next day.

Christmas Pole

On Christmas morning we woke up and opened our presents from each other and then made rounds to all of my siblings' houses to watch our nieces and nephews open their presents. After a lunch break we met up at the church for the real nerf battle (protective eye gear must be worn if you want to participate), some minute to win it games, and a reenactment of the nativity.

Brett surprised me with a heated blanket!
So excited about his new tie :)

Lots of blond boys at the Reeders' house

Notice the required protective eye ware
3 darts at once! How do you even do that?!
Got to train 'em while their young

If you know the Rasmussens, you know that we love activities and no trip to Houston is complete without visiting the zoo. While we were down south, we also visited the museum of art and saw frozen (SO GOOD! - can't stop singing "do you wanna build a snowman" & "let it go")

A couple of days before we came back home to Provo, all the women in my family threw me a baby shower. It was awesome because Susan planned the activities, Caryn did the decorations, Sarah did invitations and both she and my mom did the food. Team Work! Susan had the fun idea of doing a few different crafts at the shower rather than the traditional games. People could 1) Write messages on diapers for Brett and I when we are changing diapers late at night and need something to laugh at or a little encouragement 2) mod podge baby blocks or 3) create baby girl hair accessories for Ellie. It was so nice to catch up with old friends from high school and from the ward I was a part of for 18 years; I only wish I'd thought to get some pictures of everyone before everyone had left! 

Can you tell that we're just a little excited about having a girl & tons of cute clothes to dress her in? :)


  1. Heated blanket! Yesss! Love those!

  2. great pictures. Fun to see the Christmas pole again.

  3. Looks like Christmas was great! Love all the cute baby girl clothes.
