Tuesday, July 21, 2015

15 Month Update

The 15 month mark has come and gone and Elizabeth just keeps growing up

Weight: 24.5 lbs
Height: 2 ft. 7 in.

Today at the doctor's office she didn't even cry when they gave her the shots.


WORDS: mama, dada, kitty, thank you, & nana (banana)
FOODS: blueberries, blackberries, bananas, pizza, & ice cream 
THINGS TO DO: dance, play at the splash pad, listen to music, run, climb, & put small toys inside containers and then take them out again
SONGS: If your happy and you know it (she always starts clapping for this one), Jesus wants me for a sunbeam (she knows when to jump ;) , and popcorn popping

One of the things that I love about Ellie is that she is a great sleeper. She wasn't always this way, but almost every night we give her a pacifier and her favorite blanket and she willing lays down in her crib and goes to sleep for 12 hours without a fuss. I love it!

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