Monday, July 20, 2015

Canada Vacation

We flew to Canada on the night of the 4th of July. We had a window seat and it was so exciting to see all the fireworks go off from the sky. We looked down over Seattle around 10 PM and could see hundreds of fireworks going off constantly all over the city. A few days later we made it up to Waterton National Park where we went boating, played in the lake, ate at Wieners of Waterton, and played with family.

(so sleepy - guess I'll just lay on these warm rocks...)

Brett and I left Ellie with Grandma for the morning and went on a hike in Many Glacier. I saw some moose for the first time (3 of them)!

These 2 kiddos are only 2 weeks apart in age and it's so fun to see their many similarities. We had a great time in Columbia Falls, Montana with family. Brett and I went white water rafting with Rod in Glacier National Park and got thrown around a bit. We had our fill of huckleberry ice cream, bike riding, and Apgar Village; gotta love our Shaw Family Traditions :)

These 2 girls haha 

Also, we love kitties and giving them rocks...

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